Chamber Ambassador
The Manhattan Chambers of Commerce began serving Manhattan, New York City business owners since 1920. For almost a hundred years the Chambers has had an influence on policy and the way business is conducted in NYC. I have been a member of the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce and one of the several Business Referral Groups (BRG) for well over two years. It is hard to believe that this amount of time has already past. I cannot tell you how much the MCC has contributed to my growth as a small business owner and entrepreneur, through the various educational workshops, the learning opportunities at the round-tables, and the ability to network with other business leaders. These are just a few of the benefits that the MCC offers. I have both interior design and photography companies; the MCC has had a positive impact on the way I manage them. I also cannot share enough words of gratitude about the wonderful alliances and relationships I have forged with other members of the Chamber.
“If we truly make deposits and invest in the lives of others we surely will harvest a rich and lasting return on our investment.”
I appreciate being asked to take on the role of Chamber Ambassador. I am deeply honored to have this opportunity bestowed upon me to serve this great organization and I look forward to helping and encouraging folks to the best of my ability. I want to have a gracious impact on our present members and new members to come. If you have questions about how the Manhattan Chambers of Commerce can benefit your business feel free to contact me or click on the link Manhattan Chambers of Commerce
A big thank you to the leadership team at the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. I appreciate all that you do.